

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

12 weeks!

The baby is now 12 weeks along! We are so excited that we are now to this stage in the pregnancy, I definitely have alot more energy and I am not as tired. Today we were able to go to the doctor to hear the babies heart beat. It is one of the most amazing experiences to know that this little heart is beating so fast inside of you. We wont find out what the baby is for a couple more weeks, but the doctor assured us that the baby is growing strong and healthy so far!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Addition!

Alot has been going on the past couple of weeks. Heath and I have been busy with work and working on our house. Heath has the sprinkler system almost complete! This has been a big process and we have had alot of people over to help. We also had some great news a couple of months ago.......I AM PREGNANT! Hooray! We are so excited to be at this next chapter in our lives. Now we will be working to get the house ready for our baby to come home on February 5th! We will keep you posted on the progress that comes with the baby here are some photos of how we told our families! We dressed Pazley up in a shirt that said "I am going to be a big sister!" It was halarious!