

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I cannot believe how fast time if flying by, I wish this phase of our life would slow down for just a second. I am loving who my boys are right now. Arland has turned into this little boy who loves everything pirates and burried treasure. He asks constantly if everything is fine and he is starting to become aware of others feelings. He is always wanting to make sure "you fine momma?" And I love this smart caring person he is becoming. More then all of this though, he loves his brother. Porter says "no, no, no" around the house all day long. Where do you think he gets that from (yes, me but also) Arland. Arland gets so worried about Porter it about drives me crazy, but in the end it is always because he loves him. I thought at first that it was because he just wants to be the boss but that was not it at all. Porter was crawling to the open front door one day and Arland started shouting "no Porter!" And crying. He said "MOM, Porter get hurt!" 
It's crazy how we as people have this natural instinct to care, to have emotions for others. Isn't that what we are here for? Are we here to learn to care and have relationships with people? I think so. This whole life is about learning to care for one another. I heard the saying once along the lines of "God made us friends because he knew our parents couldnt handle us as brothers... (Or something like that)" I like to think that my two little guys were meant to be best friends and brothers, how lucky are they to have each other in this life and after?! I am so excited to see their relationship as brothers and best friends grow as they get older. Heavenly Father made them brothers because they are best friends. 

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